OH you Aries mooooooon...
Oh this life...how it ebbs and flows. And all you can do is keep up the connection...keep rising to the occasion of yourself. No matter what happens. No matter what arises. That moon last night got me good. I woke up yesterday in a very strange energetic space. I felt weird, off. And it carried with me through the day. Except when I was teaching. That constant reminder that in service I find my center. When the energies of the day were coming to a close and I was reflecting with a friend on how strange I felt, he reminded me that it was the full moon. And the full moon in Aries nonetheless. That awareness brought a deeper understanding to my soul.
It's quite amazing the power that moon has. And the different energies that each one brings. I have forever struggled with the energies of the full Aries moon. Something about it and my make up always seem to buck up against one another in an interestingly chaotic way. Yesterday was a prime example but my approach to these energies is becoming new. I noticed a lot of subtle and not so subtle turmoils coming to the surface of those around me. There was a lot of discord and negativity floating around. I watched as my spirit, which had already tapped into that type of energy before I left the house, ping ponged around the atomic matter of these frequencies. I became the silent witness to myself and my own internal workings. At times, it felt as if I wanted to jump out of my skin, that's how intense it would become. I found myself wanting to write stories that would then become lodged into my psyche and take another layer of time to wring out. I allowed myself to witness as this went on and when the intensity became too much, I would remove myself from my surroundings, go outside, and breathe. I sang. I prayed. I allowed it to be as it was and I refused to engage in the writing of these untruths within my own psyche. I suppose there was a bit of that push me pull me energy of my Scorpio self and the Aries moon. As if we were in some sort of deep negotiation. It was such a powerful practice for me. One that, quite honestly, I am still grappling with this morning.
Fast forward to nightfall:

The energy and essence of this moon's arrival perfectly matched what was happening inside of me. She was sheltered...blanketed in the dark. A bit stormy..unclear. But I watched patiently...with absolute certainty that there would be a clearing. I stepped away from the space of people and collective energy that was around me and stood in the sea and saluted that moon from deep inside. As I moved and released....so did she. The clouds parted...the sea got louder...and my heart released a little. My spirit softened. The chatter got quieter. And I recognized the power that lies deep within to transmute any energies that arise. It's amazing the power that we give these internal voices and energies. And in equal measure...amazing the power that we have within us in every minute to choose which energies we give power to. We are such intricately woven shape shifters if we allow ourselves to come fully into our own power. We exist in a world that has tried for centuries to quiet this knowing...to silence our true power so that some false external attempt at power may be exerted over all of us. But it's not real. The real power comes from the depths of self inquiry and understanding. From a deep connection to source and the softening and allowing that comes with that knowing.
I would love to say I woke up this morning with a clearing but the reality is the power of that moon and the deep internal workings in me are still a bit cloudy. I'm feeling terribly emotional and disconnected. From what I'm not sure....but I am grateful for the knowing that all I have to do is sit and allow. Because this too shall pass....and if I sit quietly enough...with the passing will come a greater opening and awareness of myself and my place here on this beautiful spinning globe. If I trust even more...and continue to open myself to the highest heights of knowing...there will be a bigger cracking open and a greater flooding of that which is yet to be seen. The light illuminates the shadows...so those that are ready to be seen and brought into the light for their own integration into the wholeness of me....I am ready...I am open...I am willing. And I trust.
Thank you Aries moon. Thank you for your powerful energies and transmutations. Blessed be.
It's quite amazing the power that moon has. And the different energies that each one brings. I have forever struggled with the energies of the full Aries moon. Something about it and my make up always seem to buck up against one another in an interestingly chaotic way. Yesterday was a prime example but my approach to these energies is becoming new. I noticed a lot of subtle and not so subtle turmoils coming to the surface of those around me. There was a lot of discord and negativity floating around. I watched as my spirit, which had already tapped into that type of energy before I left the house, ping ponged around the atomic matter of these frequencies. I became the silent witness to myself and my own internal workings. At times, it felt as if I wanted to jump out of my skin, that's how intense it would become. I found myself wanting to write stories that would then become lodged into my psyche and take another layer of time to wring out. I allowed myself to witness as this went on and when the intensity became too much, I would remove myself from my surroundings, go outside, and breathe. I sang. I prayed. I allowed it to be as it was and I refused to engage in the writing of these untruths within my own psyche. I suppose there was a bit of that push me pull me energy of my Scorpio self and the Aries moon. As if we were in some sort of deep negotiation. It was such a powerful practice for me. One that, quite honestly, I am still grappling with this morning.
Fast forward to nightfall:

The energy and essence of this moon's arrival perfectly matched what was happening inside of me. She was sheltered...blanketed in the dark. A bit stormy..unclear. But I watched patiently...with absolute certainty that there would be a clearing. I stepped away from the space of people and collective energy that was around me and stood in the sea and saluted that moon from deep inside. As I moved and released....so did she. The clouds parted...the sea got louder...and my heart released a little. My spirit softened. The chatter got quieter. And I recognized the power that lies deep within to transmute any energies that arise. It's amazing the power that we give these internal voices and energies. And in equal measure...amazing the power that we have within us in every minute to choose which energies we give power to. We are such intricately woven shape shifters if we allow ourselves to come fully into our own power. We exist in a world that has tried for centuries to quiet this knowing...to silence our true power so that some false external attempt at power may be exerted over all of us. But it's not real. The real power comes from the depths of self inquiry and understanding. From a deep connection to source and the softening and allowing that comes with that knowing.
I would love to say I woke up this morning with a clearing but the reality is the power of that moon and the deep internal workings in me are still a bit cloudy. I'm feeling terribly emotional and disconnected. From what I'm not sure....but I am grateful for the knowing that all I have to do is sit and allow. Because this too shall pass....and if I sit quietly enough...with the passing will come a greater opening and awareness of myself and my place here on this beautiful spinning globe. If I trust even more...and continue to open myself to the highest heights of knowing...there will be a bigger cracking open and a greater flooding of that which is yet to be seen. The light illuminates the shadows...so those that are ready to be seen and brought into the light for their own integration into the wholeness of me....I am ready...I am open...I am willing. And I trust.
Thank you Aries moon. Thank you for your powerful energies and transmutations. Blessed be.
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