I am a lunatic: a watcher and lover of the moon. I understand myself best through the framework of her energy and flow. This morning as I woke I immediately employed the energy of the previous day's post. I asked myself where my breath was landing...how my body was waking...I offered gratitude for this day's opportunities and then....I was all up in my feelings. I noticed a reactivity and irritability arising and a desire to lean into it and allow it to build. Later in the morning I realized the moon has moved into the sign of Aries, a firey sign that I often feel abrasive under. I found this tiny detail to be the catalyst toward the shift I created.
First and foremost I want to say feelings are 100% part of the human experience. We invent myriad ways to avoid and deny them from the highest to the lowest of the spectrum but they aren't going anywhere. Our culture often supports a suppression tactic where often times we aren't aware of what we are feeling when we are feeling it or the infinite potential we have to shift and alter our states at any given moment. I notice presently this constant barrage of memes and self-help gurus sharing with us all the ways we can and should be happy and joyful. While I love the experience of happiness and joy it is unrealistic to make this side of the coin your only experienced emotion. We are subject to all of the feelings at any given moment, and the real human experience lies in learning to navigate them with ease and grace. This morning it took me some time to realize just how agitated I was and the ways in which I perceived I was taking it out on those around me. It wasn't until I returned home to utter silence that I tuned in and really felt the energetic rumblings that were happening under the surface.
There are a few things I want to say here. There is an old framework E-motion essentially stating that emotions are energy in motion. If we look at a strictly biological blueprint we see that emotions are specific biochemical reactions to some stimuli leading to a particular manifestation. What does that mean? Essentially our unique make-up of brain chemistry combined with our particular nature/nurture situation will elicit a particular feeling and response based on the situation or trigger. Energy in motion. What I have found most beneficial in my own understanding of my own experience and expression of emotion is embodiment. It is only when I allow myself to feel the emotion all the way into my body that I then can identify, acknowledge, and work with it. Often times we get stuck trying to think our way through a particular feeling and are at a loss when it doesn't shift.
Cue to today. I can say that my emotional response is in relation to the moon, and that does hold true for me, but there are also deeper mechanisms at work. Ultimately, when I came back into a quiet space I began to feel the agitation in my energetic body which manifests as tightness in the chest, racing thoughts, tightness of the jaw, and shortened breath. Once I became aware of these sensations in my body I decided spontaneous movement in the form of dance would help to move the energy around and through my body rather than allowing it to congeal and manifest into more agitation. I happened to find a phenomenal Tiny Desk with Frederic Yonnet and the No Name Band (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMMO4xhe-xA) that inspired not only this movement but this entire post. And then...I danced. I allowed my body to move in whatever shape, speed, and form it desired with the sole intent of shaking these physical sensations loose.
When I finished moving I observed that the physical sensations I had previously been experiencing had shifted, as had my mood. Do I know what led to the initial reactivity? Not necessarily. Is it relative? Maybe, maybe not. Do we carry our issues in our tissues? Absolutely. This is why attuning to the physical body as a gauge of our emotional state is paramount to our well-being and emotional regulation. We will always feel, whether we are open to the experience or not. What we do from that point is up to us. Will we allow and lean into the feeling with a curiosity and interest in shifting it's shape or will we avoid and distract allowing it to take up form and space in our bodies? Know this. Neither is right or wrong. Each is an experience and an opportunity for inquiry into the self. I can say this though: any opportunity we get to drop into ourselves and allow for freedom of movement, thought, experience, emotion, and awareness is a moment of liberation. And the more often we tune in and move and allow a natural falling away to happen the freer we become in our bodies and minds.
My work is all about this exploration. Using movement, breath, sound, and sensation to connect with the self and uncover stored traumas and stories that are held within the tissues. We work together to uncover blockages and aid the system in shifting these patterns held deep within the body to optimize well-being. We hold so much wisdom inside that will always lead us back to ourselves in the purest form. The key is to wash off the muck and layers of grime that have kept our shine dull. So take a little time...find some music that touches your soul and shake your body, loosen the grip of the mind and watch what happens. Bear witness to yourself and all that arises with kindness and curiosity.
Feel free to share your experiences or contact if you are interested in working together therapeutically. trifectahealings@gmail.com
First and foremost I want to say feelings are 100% part of the human experience. We invent myriad ways to avoid and deny them from the highest to the lowest of the spectrum but they aren't going anywhere. Our culture often supports a suppression tactic where often times we aren't aware of what we are feeling when we are feeling it or the infinite potential we have to shift and alter our states at any given moment. I notice presently this constant barrage of memes and self-help gurus sharing with us all the ways we can and should be happy and joyful. While I love the experience of happiness and joy it is unrealistic to make this side of the coin your only experienced emotion. We are subject to all of the feelings at any given moment, and the real human experience lies in learning to navigate them with ease and grace. This morning it took me some time to realize just how agitated I was and the ways in which I perceived I was taking it out on those around me. It wasn't until I returned home to utter silence that I tuned in and really felt the energetic rumblings that were happening under the surface.
There are a few things I want to say here. There is an old framework E-motion essentially stating that emotions are energy in motion. If we look at a strictly biological blueprint we see that emotions are specific biochemical reactions to some stimuli leading to a particular manifestation. What does that mean? Essentially our unique make-up of brain chemistry combined with our particular nature/nurture situation will elicit a particular feeling and response based on the situation or trigger. Energy in motion. What I have found most beneficial in my own understanding of my own experience and expression of emotion is embodiment. It is only when I allow myself to feel the emotion all the way into my body that I then can identify, acknowledge, and work with it. Often times we get stuck trying to think our way through a particular feeling and are at a loss when it doesn't shift.
Cue to today. I can say that my emotional response is in relation to the moon, and that does hold true for me, but there are also deeper mechanisms at work. Ultimately, when I came back into a quiet space I began to feel the agitation in my energetic body which manifests as tightness in the chest, racing thoughts, tightness of the jaw, and shortened breath. Once I became aware of these sensations in my body I decided spontaneous movement in the form of dance would help to move the energy around and through my body rather than allowing it to congeal and manifest into more agitation. I happened to find a phenomenal Tiny Desk with Frederic Yonnet and the No Name Band (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMMO4xhe-xA) that inspired not only this movement but this entire post. And then...I danced. I allowed my body to move in whatever shape, speed, and form it desired with the sole intent of shaking these physical sensations loose.
When I finished moving I observed that the physical sensations I had previously been experiencing had shifted, as had my mood. Do I know what led to the initial reactivity? Not necessarily. Is it relative? Maybe, maybe not. Do we carry our issues in our tissues? Absolutely. This is why attuning to the physical body as a gauge of our emotional state is paramount to our well-being and emotional regulation. We will always feel, whether we are open to the experience or not. What we do from that point is up to us. Will we allow and lean into the feeling with a curiosity and interest in shifting it's shape or will we avoid and distract allowing it to take up form and space in our bodies? Know this. Neither is right or wrong. Each is an experience and an opportunity for inquiry into the self. I can say this though: any opportunity we get to drop into ourselves and allow for freedom of movement, thought, experience, emotion, and awareness is a moment of liberation. And the more often we tune in and move and allow a natural falling away to happen the freer we become in our bodies and minds.
My work is all about this exploration. Using movement, breath, sound, and sensation to connect with the self and uncover stored traumas and stories that are held within the tissues. We work together to uncover blockages and aid the system in shifting these patterns held deep within the body to optimize well-being. We hold so much wisdom inside that will always lead us back to ourselves in the purest form. The key is to wash off the muck and layers of grime that have kept our shine dull. So take a little time...find some music that touches your soul and shake your body, loosen the grip of the mind and watch what happens. Bear witness to yourself and all that arises with kindness and curiosity.
Feel free to share your experiences or contact if you are interested in working together therapeutically. trifectahealings@gmail.com
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